Connect girls with female mentors in STEAM careers to provide guidance, encouragement, and real-world insights.
Organize interactive workshops and camps that cover topics like coding, robotics, engineering design, and scientific research to spark interest and build skills.
Offer scholarships or financial support for girls pursuing STEM education, helping to reduce barriers to entry.
Run campaigns to raise awareness about the importance of female representation in STEM and share success stories of women in these fields.
Create events where girls can meet professionals in STEM, fostering connections and providing opportunities for internships and job shadowing.
Host STEM competitions, hackathons, or science fairs to encourage teamwork, creativity, and problem-solving skills.
Develop online platforms with educational materials, tutorials, and videos to support learning and exploration in STEM subjects.
Offer training sessions for parents and teachers on how to encourage girls in STEM, helping to create supportive environments at home and in school.
Collaborate with schools, local businesses, and tech companies to create programs that promote STEM education and provide real-world applications.
Work on initiatives that promote policy changes for gender equity in STEM education and careers, influencing local and national education policies.